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Re-Captcha not stopping robots

PostPosted: October 26th, 2011, 9:28 pm
by man-O-media
So this is only partly related to s2member in that I am still using the s2 modified default wordpress registration form but I added the re-captcha plugin to protect it.
I am also preparing to use the s2 pro free registration form from so it is on my site but not yet part of the menu structure. It too has re-captcha protection.

The point is, because both forms are physically available I am not sure which form is being violated (perhaps both) but when I manually try and create a new user with either form I absolutely must correctly fill in the re-captcha yet I am getting several crazy registrations per week.

My inability to register without correctly doing the re-captcha combined with the complete gibberish and the quantity of text in the registration makes it seem highly unlikely that a human is actually doing the registration so I have to presume that it is a robot or I suppose it could be a robot with human assistance.



Re: Re-Captcha not stopping robots

PostPosted: October 27th, 2011, 4:55 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
It is possible that it's a bot with human assistance. Some softwares can connect to services that charge per catpcha's solved by a team of humans in some cheap country.

You should research what other spam registration prevention methods are available in the plugins directory. :|

Re: Re-Captcha not stopping robots

PostPosted: October 30th, 2011, 9:02 pm
by man-O-media
It is possible that it's a bot with human assistance

Sounds like a great job :)
But then again, any job is often better than no job...

And it is really the only explanation that makes sense.
You should research what other spam registration prevention methods are available in the plugins directory
Naaa... I'm moving to the Pro form and it uses re-captcha and if it is really humans, whats the point.


Re: Re-Captcha not stopping robots

PostPosted: October 31st, 2011, 11:25 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Yeah, I see your point.