Member level muddle
Posted: November 3rd, 2011, 9:39 am
Boy, I really muddled things up when I set up my site - really helps to have your biz model organized correctly to begin with. I held a telesummit event, and sold a package of the audios, transcripts & some bonuses. Didn't think to offer an economy package until later.. oops!
So now I have my level 1 as the VIP level (Bronze), and am adding level 2 (Silver) as the economy package. The delivery page only allows them to access the level they've subbed to, so access isn't a huge issue.
How difficult will it be to swap out the levels, so that level 2 is the VIP package (Silver)and level 1 is the economy package (Bronze)? Is all I need to do is swap the names in the levels/labels area, and reassign roles to content - assuming the NAMES I've assigned to the WP role stay the same - or is there something else I need to mess with? I don't have anybody in the economy level yet, and only a few people in the VIP, and really, this could stay the same, I wouldn't HAVE to mess with it, it's just my sense of organization that's annoying me and driving me to consider messing with it.
If this will be a huge, messy job, I'll just leave it. If it's as simple as swapping the level names, then I'll do it. What do you think?
Thanks so much!
So now I have my level 1 as the VIP level (Bronze), and am adding level 2 (Silver) as the economy package. The delivery page only allows them to access the level they've subbed to, so access isn't a huge issue.
How difficult will it be to swap out the levels, so that level 2 is the VIP package (Silver)and level 1 is the economy package (Bronze)? Is all I need to do is swap the names in the levels/labels area, and reassign roles to content - assuming the NAMES I've assigned to the WP role stay the same - or is there something else I need to mess with? I don't have anybody in the economy level yet, and only a few people in the VIP, and really, this could stay the same, I wouldn't HAVE to mess with it, it's just my sense of organization that's annoying me and driving me to consider messing with it.
If this will be a huge, messy job, I'll just leave it. If it's as simple as swapping the level names, then I'll do it. What do you think?
Thanks so much!