The question is in regard to IP Restrictions. We keep having members getting banned for some reason or another. And today we have had our first paying member get banned. The good news is that we can reset their IP's in S2 member. And they have been immediately able to log back in every time so far. But the bad news is that it keeps happening. We are concerned about the obvious frustrations to the members especially those giving us their cash.
We loosened up the Brute Force IP Restrictions from 5 logins per 30 minutes to 10 logins. We are interested to see if this helps. I know from experience that it can be hard remembering passwords to a new site. So we thought giving them a little slack might help in regards to triggering an ip restriction.
Any comments would be welcome. Many times the members don't know they have been banned. They just get a 503 error or a it won't allow them in. So they start trying to reset passwords etc. S2 member should have a popup that tells them that their IP has been restricted and to email the administrator if they are not a bunch of hackers. Also, S2 Member should have "IP has been Restricted" as a Screen Option in the user area. Or even better as a separate category so we can see them quickly. Just like the separate categories in the user area where we can quickly see who is a paying member (s1 or s2 etc).
This seems to be a challenge for more than a few users of S2 Member.....I believe S2 member is a fine plugin with great help. We have to find a balance between keeping out hackers and our paying members. I am sure someone from S2 can come up with a good solution to help with this.