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Paypal buttons don't work in Chrome if I open in a new tab

PostPosted: November 9th, 2011, 6:24 pm
by salesfuze
I thought the buttons were broken, but when I click on them and they open in the current window, then there isn't a problem. However, if I middle mouse click and open in a new tab, then it takes me to a login page.
This is only on Chrome. Firefox and IE do not allow me to middle click, so only option is for it to work.

Re: Paypal buttons don't work in Chrome if I open in a new t

PostPosted: November 11th, 2011, 2:35 am
by Cristián Lávaque
PayPal buttons are usually an HTML form and submitting it is not the same as clicking a link you can open in a new tab. Does that help understand the problem?