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Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 11th, 2011, 2:40 pm
by bluej

I created a few coupon codes for a client's S2Member PRO site.

The problem is the codes apply to any product. I need to make product-specific codes.

I don't see how to do this in the documentation.

Can you help?



Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 12th, 2011, 3:00 am
by Cristián Lávaque
The latest release of s2Member added the possibility to specify what page you want the coupon to work in.

By default, s2Member accepts Coupon Codes on any Pro Form with Shortcode Attribute: accept_coupons="1".
* However, you may configure Coupon Codes that ONLY work on specific Post or Page IDs, as seen below.

* SAVE-10|10%|||123 ( 10% off; works only on Post or Page ID #123 )
* SAVE-15|15%||ra-only|123 ( 15% off Regular Amount(s); works only on Post or Page ID #123 )
* XMAS|5.00|12/31/2021|ra-only|123,456 ( $5 off Regular Amount(s); works only on Post or Page IDs 123,456 )
* 5PER|5%|12/31/2021|all|all ( 5% off All Amounts; works on all Posts/Pages; this is the default behavior "all" )

Remember, you still need a Pro Form with Shortcode Attribute: accept_coupons="1"

Would that help?

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 12th, 2011, 6:43 am
by bluej
Christian - this is just what I was looking for. Thank you.

How could I have found this myself? WHen I searched "coupon code specific product" I did not find this.

I guess what I am asking is - Does a master list of coupon code settings exist? If so where?

Thank you

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 12th, 2011, 7:23 am
by bluej
IMPORTANT: the settings do not appear to work.

Following the example above, I entered the Page IDs in the short code. I am also using an expiration date.


This combination does not limit the coupon to the specified page - for the 2nd code in the list

When 200$OFF is applied to page with ID 228, it gets the green confirmation message and price adjustment. This should not work -- it should only work for ID611

When 150$OFF is applied to page ID 611 the correct error message occurs

Hmmm.... is this a bug?

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 12th, 2011, 3:38 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
It could be, thanks for reporting it! I'm forwarding it now to Jason. :)

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 7:19 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Thanks for reporting this important issue.

So far I've been unable to reproduce this, but please let me know if I've missed something.
Code: Select all

Here are some things I'd take a look at, as potential problems in this regard.

1. Do you have any other duplicate configuration lines in your list of Pro Coupon Codes, which might conflict with these? For instance, do you have another line with Coupon Code 200$OFF?

2. Is another plugin, or your WordPress theme, creating any WordPress queries that might alter the behavior of WordPress Conditional Tags? For instance, some themes forget to reset the WordPress query after making custom queries of their own, resulting in strange behavior.
See: ... eset_query

If this problem persists, please submit a Dashboard login and I'll have a closer at your installation to see if we can determine the problem as it exists on your site. Please use this private contact form if you submit those details:

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 17th, 2011, 1:46 am
by Jason Caldwell
Details received via email.
~ Investigating now.

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 17th, 2011, 2:51 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Investigation completed.

Unless I'm missing something, you're still running s2Member Pro v111017. This functionality was not added until s2Member Pro v111105, so although you've added the configuration values, your current version of s2Member Pro does not support this feature yet. Please upgrade to s2Member v111105+ and try again.

Please let us know if you continue to have trouble.

Re: Tie coupon code to single product

PostPosted: November 17th, 2011, 3:39 pm
by bluej
OK well i feel silly.

And confused - I just tried to install v111017 and got this:
The plugin does not have a valid header.

I will just FTP it instead of using the plugin installer.