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How to tie-in s2Member with a business directory

PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 1:57 pm
by brehburg
How do I use s2Member to help me create a business directory? I want to provide a search (by business name) field plus a business category search dropdown. And, to go a step further, I would like to display each business member using both a thumbnail image and detailed info. Obviously, the current plugin cannot do all this - but, with which of these requirements can it help?

Re: How to tie-in s2Member with a business directory

PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 2:03 pm
by Bruce C
If you know a little PHP you can hook into s2Member's usermeta values using the get_user_meta function. If you go into your cPanel or PHPmyadmin, and search through the wp_usermeta table, you should find the values you're looking for.

Also, s2Member Pro allows use of the Gravatar system, which can show the thumbnail image. With custom registration fields, you can optimize the amount of data you get from each user, and can allow it to be viewed pretty easily with the s2Get shortcodes

Re: How to tie-in s2Member with a business directory

PostPosted: November 18th, 2011, 1:45 am
by Cristián Lávaque
With s2Member you can create custom fields for the profile, like the business name. WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Registration/Profile -> Add new field

This post explains how you can search users by a custom field: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15658&p=48878#p48878

This may help you implement Gravatars to your custom members list:

I hope that helps. :)