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Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 9:50 am
by yesdavy
I will have 3 levels of access: free unregistered, free registered, paid registered. The only difference in the first two is that a user must register to post comments or blog. The paid registered group will have a few pages only their group may see and if possible each paid registered user should have one or two pages unique only to them individually that nobody else can see. I need a method for new paid registered members to submit payment and get permissions assigned. To what extent will your plugin do this? One more thing, there will be times when we want people from any of the access levels above to be able to register and pay for admission to an event such as a golf tournament and receive a confirming email receipt of payment. This is apart from paid registration membership and is it possible to have a few options when the user registers and pays for admission to an event so they can specify whether professional price or amateur price and how many players, with a capability to calculate the correct total amount and auto-fill the PayPal form or at least show the correct amount so the user can enter it in PayPal? We would then need a list of all who have paid admission to the event to confirm on-site at the tournament who has paid and who has not.
Thank you so much!

Re: Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 3:25 pm
by Rosemary

Youve come in on my thread and you are certainly asking the wrong person. Hoever, in my experience with this forum you will get an answer from those in the know.

So, hang in there and someone will come by :)



Re: Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 16th, 2011, 8:16 pm
by yesdavy

I certainly hope you are right. Thanks and let's see what happens!


Re: Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 18th, 2011, 2:39 am
by Cristián Lávaque
I split these posts into a new thread.


You can do the levels the way you described. Non registered is the default for a visitor. To remove their ability to comment, you need to change that setting in WordPress. WP Admin -> Settings -> Discussion -> Other comment settings -> Users must be registered and logged in to comment

Registered without paying would be a free member. WordPress calls these "Subscribers" and s2Member refers to them as Level 0 members. To allow free registration you need to enable Open Registration. WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Open Registration

Paid members are those you'd be selling access to restricted content for their level. This is very doable with s2Member.

You can sell access to specific events with what s2Member calls custom capabilities that'd be added to the user's account.

You could also sell those with Specific Post/Pages, which won't require the person to have an account, instead a special link is sent to the person by email after payment.

In your PayPal account you could then search the payments to get those customers that got a particular product/service. The Notifications API could also be used to get an email notification that you can then search in your email account. ... ons-video/

I hope this helps. :)

Re: Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 19th, 2011, 8:44 am
by yesdavy
Thank you, Cristian, for the thorough response. Rosemary said this is a good forum and she was absolutely correct.


Re: Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 21st, 2011, 3:29 am
by Cristián Lávaque
You're welcome, Davy. And thanks for the kudos! :)

Re: Is S2 Right for my Purposes?

PostPosted: November 23rd, 2011, 6:40 am
by yesdavy
I have watched several of the tutorial videos but have missed about how, after Pages > Add New generic Login Welcome Page and generic Member Options Page and after designing the login page with my branding, how do I configure s2M so that people may begin registering as level 0, free registration required in order to comment or post?

How can I monitor registrations?
Is it possible to have people sign in or register to level 0 right in the sidebar instead of having to go to a dedicated page?
