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Level 0 Members gaining access to Login Welcome Page

PostPosted: November 19th, 2011, 7:23 am
by tarotelements
I have Simple:Press set up as well as S2Member. S2M is handling the logins well. However, I set up a test subscriber account to check various pages and options. This forum member account, Level 0 is gaining access to the Login Welcome Page, which I renamed Premium. I use it as a hub, or homepage for premium content. None of the content is accessible to the forum member account, just the Login Welcome page.

It doesn't seem to matter whether the test account is logged in via the forum or via the premium login url - it still gains access to the Login Welcome page.

This page is automatically protected, how can a level 0 see it ? I've only set up level 1 as a premium option through the paypal options etc. Does S2M know to apply level 1 automatically?

Am I doing something wrong?

Re: Level 0 Members gaining access to Login Welcome Page

PostPosted: November 19th, 2011, 5:18 pm
by Raam Dev
Hi tarotelements,

s2Member will allow access to the Login Welcome Page to anyone who is logged into WordPress, regardless of their account level. (It's the welcome page for all users after they login.)

If Simple:Press accounts integrate with WordPress accounts, then a Simple:Press user logged in will have access to the Login Welcome Page.

If you'd like to limit who can see what on the Login Welcome Page, you'll need to use Conditionals to hide the content from Level 0 users.

For example, you could place your Premium content in between these tags on your Login Welcome Page to hide it from users who have Level 0 access:

[s2If current_user_can(access_s2member_level1)]
Some content for Members who are logged in with an s2Member Level >= 1.

You can read more about s2Member conditionals in WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Simple/Shortcode Conditionals.

Does that answer your question?

Re: Level 0 Members gaining access to Login Welcome Page

PostPosted: November 20th, 2011, 12:28 pm
by tarotelements
Hey Raam,

Thanks for responding. I'm actually thinking it's probably not a bad idea to let Level-0 members see the titles of what's on offer in Premium, a sweet tempter, if you will.

I currently have a custom sidebar on that page that contains links to the premium content across the site which cannot be accessed.

I'll give the conditionals some thought though, thanks!