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Passing Authentication Credentials From WP Site to External

PostPosted: November 21st, 2011, 4:44 pm
by mylistingtalks

I am using the S2 Login Widget to gain access to member areas. I have an external site that I want to pass the same user login credentials the member uses to log into member areas within our WP site.

So when the user clicks on a link to this outside application within the members area, we can pass the same credentials to the outside application, to prevent the user from logging in once again. I am a DIY'er so please dumb it down for me.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Passing Authentication Credentials From WP Site to Exter

PostPosted: November 25th, 2011, 6:51 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
This is not related to s2Member. I suggest you search Google on how to use WordPress' database or users outside of it, for other scripts. It's very probable you'll find information about that.

I hope that helps. :)