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Checking Money's Gone Through

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2011, 3:21 am
by sholdstock
Just checking, is it normal that a user will register for a paid subscription, but the payment not appear in the paypal account yet? It's only been less than 12 hours, but wanted to chase it up if this is unusual.

Any help here gratefully appreciated :)

Stephen :)

Re: Checking Money's Gone Through

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2011, 7:58 am
by Eduan
Take a look into WP Admin -> S2member -> PayPal® Options -> Account Details and see if ALL the fields are correctly filled. It's sometimes this that causes this problem.

This video may also be of interest:

Have you tried going over the WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal® Buttons -> Shortcode Attributes ( Explained )?
Or if you are using pro-forms then go to WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal® Pro Forms -> Shortcode Attributes ( Explained )
It may help clear some things up, just check your button code compared to what's in this section.

Remember to create new buttons with the new info, just to make sure it works.

If all else fails then try changing the theme to the default Twenty Eleven theme (this one always works).

Try disabling all your plugins (don't include s2Member) and then enable them one by one until the problems appear again. You will need to do tests with each plugin you enable until the problem appears again.

Hope this helps. :)
Also remember to report back.
Otherwise you leave me worrying. ;)

Re: Checking Money's Gone Through

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2011, 10:15 am
by sholdstock
Hey many thanks for your extremely fast response!!

Turns out, the user got upgraded to a paid account by another administrator.
Hence no payment.

Pays to check with your business partners!

Thanks for the post though, I checked through a lot of the stuff before realising and it actually helped me understand the process a lot better.

Thanks again. :)

Re: Checking Money's Gone Through

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2011, 10:37 am
by Eduan
Yeah sure! :)
Anything else you need just ask. ;)