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Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 24th, 2011, 1:28 pm
by tarotelements
I have Simple:Press and s2Member installed and they're both working well together.

I really don't like the open registration policy even though it appears to be necessary for both to work.

I've heard of a couple of plugins that can help moderate applications so they require approval first. Does s2Member work well with these plugins or is there likely to be issues?

My main concern would be new Premium member (for premium content and a different area than the forum) would be affected and need approval - which I wouldn't like.

Would it be be possible to control registrations for Level 0 only?

Register Plus and Theme My Login have been suggested and while I've seen Theme My Login mentioned on here before, it wasn't clear how it interacted with s2M.

Can anyone advise me on any of these points?

Many thanks.

Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 24th, 2011, 8:39 pm
by Raam Dev
Hi tarotelements,

Please take a look at these posts:

It looks like your best option is going to be to use Level 1 or higher for your protected content and then your "Approval Process" will involve changing users from Level 0 to Level 1 (so they're allowed to access content).

I'm not sure how you're currently set up to use s2Member, so this may or may not work. If you're already using Level 1 for a different purpose, you could consider using Custom Capabilities to differentiate between different types of users at Level 1 (Level 1 user with "premium" Custom Capability and Level 1 user with "free-approved" Custom Capability).

If you did use Custom Capabilities in this way, you'd need to modify your content pages so they limit access by Custom Capabilities.

Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 24th, 2011, 9:51 pm
by tarotelements
Hi Raam Dev,

Thanks for your help. I wonder is there a way to request moderation via approval for level 0 only and let the level 1's go through, seeing as they're paying I don't want them to have wait for approval.

Level 0 is for forum members and while there is spam protection via Simple:Press, I'm still seeing some come through. It's these that I want to moderate.

Is it possible to do it that way - moderate level 0 but let level 1 go through immediately?


Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 27th, 2011, 12:29 pm
by Raam Dev
Hi tarotelements,

That feature isn't available in s2Member, so you'd need to use a separate plugin to achieve what you want. I did some digging around but it looks like all the plugins related to registration are mostly out of date and no longer work with the latest version of WordPress.

If this is really important, you might want to request a custom job over here: viewtopic.php?t=4158

Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 27th, 2011, 1:40 pm
by tarotelements
Hey Raam Dev,

Thanks for digging around for me.

I'm not in a position to get a custom job just yet and am going to rethink my options. It seems to me the thing I dislike the most, the open registration, is only required for Simple:Press. I'm considering closing the 'open' forums, which haven't really attracted many people and just keeping the 'by invitation only' forums for our friends across social networks. That would solve my problems.

Can I also just ask, is it possible to dictate which fields are 'required' in the standard sign up form?

Many thanks

Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 27th, 2011, 1:44 pm
by Eduan
Maybe this post can help you tarotelements:

Hope this helps. :)

Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 27th, 2011, 2:09 pm
by tarotelements
Thanks, Raam Dev, I'll check it out - thanks!

Re: Approving open registrations

PostPosted: November 27th, 2011, 3:36 pm
by Eduan
You're welcome.