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Buddypress Profile Integration

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Buddypress Profile Integration

Postby laurienicholas » November 25th, 2011, 3:47 am

Hi there,
I was wondering if anybody knew how to more tightly integrate my S2 member profile fields with buddypress.

Aside from the primary fields I ended up managing all my profile fields with S2 member on account of the powerful import/export tool.

The issues i have are:

* When performing a search in buddypress, the S2Member fields are not included

* One of them is a 'website' field - can I make this a hyperlink to the specified address?

* The other fields do not have the 'cross profile links' functionality enabled (essentially just a shortcut to a search of each attribute - could be related to the first issue?)

* Can i address my third issue without messing up a potential solution to my second?

Any thoughts on these matters would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,

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