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Custom Capability Packages and multiple Memberships

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Custom Capability Packages and multiple Memberships

Postby Demiano » December 9th, 2011, 7:24 pm

Hi, in the long run I want to have 3 different online courses on my site each having 4 levels. Would that be possible using Custom Capability Packages?

Is there a tutorial for that?

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Re: Custom Capability Packages and multiple Memberships

Postby Raam Dev » December 9th, 2011, 11:16 pm

Hi Demian,

Yes, that would be possible using Custom Capability Packages.

There are two videos I highly recommend you watch to get a better understanding how Custom Capabilities and Advanced Conditional work.

The solution I describe below will assume you have some understanding of these two features of s2Member.

Here's a solution that I would recommend for your scenario:

Use one s2Member Level (for example, Level 1) for all three courses. For each course, you'd create a Custom Capability (e.g., "course1", "course2", "course3") which you would assign to the user upon signup (you can create a separate registration form for each course, which would automatically add the correct Custom Capability to that user).

You'd also assign a second Custom Capability called "level1" to each user upon their first signup (explained further below). So now each user will have two Custom Capabilities: "course1,level1".

Now for the 4 levels within each course:

When you're ready to upgrade a user to Level 2 of Course 1, you can create a Billing/Subscriber Modification form/button that removes the Custom Capability "level1" and adds the Custom Capability "level2". You'd do this by creating a modification form with "-all,course1,level2" in the Custom Capabilities field.

The -all removes any previous Custom Capabilities and then adds the ones that follow (in this case, remove "course1,level1" and then add "course1,level2").

With your users now assigned Custom Capabilities that reflect the course and course level, you can use Advanced Conditionals to check which course and level the user has access to and then present the material accordingly.

Does that make sense?
Raam Dev || Wherever you are, be there. || Please rate s2Member!
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