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Not seeing restricted content when logged in

PostPosted: December 11th, 2011, 10:09 pm
by Aliroy

I have one level which isthe Level #0 ( Free Subscribers )
I have 1 page restricted from the public.
When I log in as a Free Subscriber and click on the button for the restricted page I still can not see that page.
It sends me straight to the Membership Options Page.

I'm not sure what you may need to assist me but to start here is most of the url, everything after the .com of the page I get redirected to:


I appreciate any help that you can give me.

Re: Not seeing restricted content when logged in

PostPosted: December 12th, 2011, 2:11 am
by drbyte
From what I understand above is that when you log in as a subscriber you can NOT see the restricted page! That's what it is suppose to do. Only members with a level from 1 to 4 can see that restricted page.

If you want to make that page available to subscribers too, then you can assign a roll to it. Look at the top right on that should see the s2member box. From the drop down menu, choose (require level 0 or higher) and that page should be available to all of your free subscribers

Or you can use Category restriction and others under s2Member Restriction Options. There is some videos in here that can explain all that.


Re: Not seeing restricted content when logged in

PostPosted: December 15th, 2011, 4:12 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Are you sure you're logged in to the free account? The URL you posted says that you were sent to the Membership Options because the page you tried to view required Level 0 _s2member_req[level]=0 (Subscriber), so if you were bounce it'd mean you were not logged in.