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Renew A Membership

PostPosted: December 13th, 2011, 7:19 pm
by AnnaSkye
I have a website where all the members are on 12-month memberships, non-reoccurring. I have an EOT set to demote them to subscriber level-0 after 12-months, but how do I offer them the opportunity to re-up their membership?

I don't want them to have to create a new account, I just

I want them to pay and extend their membership another 12-months. I read about the upgrade & payment modifications, but I did not see an option for keeping the member level the same.

My plan is to use the content dripping feature to alert them when they have 60 days left on their account and this would display the Re-new button to each user.

Re: Renew A Membership

PostPosted: December 13th, 2011, 7:32 pm
by Eduan
So what you want is to only give them their membership another 12 months after their EOT?
If so it's really easy, make them use the same button again, the one they used in order to gain that level originally, and check under WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal® Options -> Automatic EOT Behavior options work like you want them to, most importantly check the Fixed-Term Extensions ( auto-extend )? option and set it to Yes.

Hope this helps. :)

Re: Renew A Membership

PostPosted: December 13th, 2011, 8:02 pm
by AnnaSkye
Ok, that sounds easy. So since they are logged in and accessing the order form it won't require them to create a different username / password? And they will have to make another payment to extend the memberhsip another 12-months?

Just want to confirm ;-)

Re: Renew A Membership

PostPosted: December 13th, 2011, 10:27 pm
by Eduan
That's right. That's completely right.

Re: Renew A Membership

PostPosted: December 16th, 2011, 5:01 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Anna, that setting works for Buy Now transactions only. Subscriptions, including the non-recurring ones, are not affected by it.

Paying a subscription in the middle of the current one, won't extend it, it'll reset it to the date of the new payment.

You may want to change sell 12 months of membership with buy-now transactions instead, which would have the term extended if paying more before EOT.