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What exactly does Clickbank integration mean?

PostPosted: December 16th, 2011, 4:21 am
by artEV
I just purchased Pro, and saw there's this Clickbank thing. Apparently you can make millions be being a vendor and I want in on that! :lol:

I run a membership site (duh), and I'm assuming as a Clickbank vendor, I list my 'service' on their marketplace.
So people go there to help me sell my service but would payment be done on my site? Is that what the Clickbank integration is for - to 'log' that they are a Clickbank affiliate?

Am very new to this whole affiliate thing, so any advice would be most helpful.


Re: What exactly does Clickbank integration mean?

PostPosted: December 17th, 2011, 4:34 am
by Cristián Lávaque
The payment would happen on ClickBank's side. The integration is so ClickBank notifies s2Member in your website that the payment happened so s2Member lets that user register an account (if you have Open Registration disabled and only allowed paying members), and give that user the access to the premium content in your site.

Does that help understand it better? :)

Re: What exactly does Clickbank integration mean?

PostPosted: December 20th, 2011, 12:09 am
by artEV
Are these steps correct?

1 - Register a vendor account at clickbank
2 - Set up clickbank options in S2M Pro
3 - Use the Thank you page URL from clickbank options in S2M Pro and input that over at Clickbank
4 - Generate a Clickbank button and paste the shortcode on the Pitch Page

Affiliates on Clickbank would see my recurring product listed on Clickbank's marketplace.
They click on it, they land on the pitch page which sits on my site. If so inclined, they click on the Clickbank pay now button, to complete the purchase process.
They next get an email informing them to register an account (I have disabled free account registration in S2M Pro).
Once registered, they will get a welcome email and proceeds to access my protected content.

Is this right?

Re: What exactly does Clickbank integration mean?

PostPosted: December 20th, 2011, 5:22 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Quite right. :)

After checking out from ClickBank, they'll be returned to the URL you got from s2Member for this, and shown a thank-you page as well as sent the confirmation email. From that page they can go register the new account because, although Open Registration is not enabled, s2Member set a cookie in the user's browser and with that it'll let the user register.