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how to style the login/register page?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2011, 8:09 am
by stonecoldcnc
Is there a way to get that login/register form formated a bit nicer. As you can see in the attached screen capture that the input fields have different heights and width, there is a line under the email field which I don't want there and the register button should be centered. From memory, all this looked ok before and either the upgrading to WP3.3 or one of the last s2member updates may have caused it all to change.

I see that most of the styling info is in the header, is there a way to move it into a css file or can someone suggesting another way to customize the login/register page?

Re: how to style the login/register page?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2011, 4:18 pm
by Raam Dev

Are you using s2Member Pro or the free version?

Re: how to style the login/register page?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2011, 8:15 pm
by stonecoldcnc
I'm using the free version only at this stage.

Re: how to style the login/register page?

PostPosted: December 28th, 2011, 10:46 pm
by Raam Dev
With the free version of s2Member, there is limited ability to control the layout/design of the registration form.

The free version of s2Member uses the built-in WordPress registration form but a few settings can be modified in WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Login/Registration Design and WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Registration/Profile Fields & Options

With s2Member Pro, you can use the Pro-Forms feature to create your own registration forms on a separate WordPress page and then style those forms however you like using CSS. The Pro-Forms also come with templates that you can modify to suit your needs.