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s2Member or s2Member Pro?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2011, 10:26 pm
by LizaM
Hi There! I'm on my second website using s2Member and am having trouble trying to figure out best way to set this one up.

We are the providing customization of a product. There are 2 layers of service: Subscription plans (hosting final product) + Initial submission

Question arises with submitting the file for customization. Is there a way to provide a paypal button to pay for a user to access /complete a form and upload a file a controlled number of times? Example is that we need the the Basic level subscribers to only pay for and access/ complete/ submit the form once, a practitioner 2 times and a Pro 3+.

I have looked into ccaps in s2Member but don't quite see how to allow the access to the page with the form only only 1 or 2 times. There's a lot of discussion about s2Member Pro having forms - will that work better?

Thank-you for help/ ideas,

Re: s2Member or s2Member Pro?

PostPosted: December 29th, 2011, 4:37 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Hi Liza.

The file upload is not something that s2Member manages, and it's not something you can integrate with the PayPal button or form. s2Member won't be different in this regard.

You'll need a custom solution. Another user once wanted something similar for a form that users could could use a certain number of times. I think what was suggested to him then was to create a counter in the user's profile that'd log the times the form was used, and when loading the form that counter would be checked to make sure he had uses left.

I hope that helps. :)

Re: s2Member or s2Member Pro?

PostPosted: December 29th, 2011, 10:13 pm
by LizaM
Thanks for the reply Cristián!

My first idea was to take a day off after being stuck in this website for days. :D Seeing your response that Pro wasn't going to be an instant answer I installed a form plugin to take care of the upload, dug into the ccaps again & some conditionals and figured it out and website was open for business this afternoon.
LOVE s2Member!

Thanks for all the support,

Re: s2Member or s2Member Pro?

PostPosted: December 29th, 2011, 10:53 pm
by LizaM
Oh, in case anyone else is working on this... First paypal button from sales page covered initial submit payment for 2 weeks + annual subscription then each additional submit option was purchased as a ccap after registration and login.

I installed a form plugin to create the upload forms and duplicated it changing the title for each (for easier tracking by client and us), protected with ccaps. Then revealed those links on the member page as they paid for the ccaps.

The final key was using this new info on the API/Scripting Capabilities section:

*New* By default, a Checkout Button or Form generated by s2Member is designed to (Add) Custom Capabilities to any that may or may not already exist for a particular User/Member. However, starting with s2Member v110815+, you can tell s2Member to (Remove All) Custom Capabilities, and then (Add) only the new ones that you specify. This is accomplished on a per Form/Button basis by preceding your comma-delimited list of Custom Capabilities with `-all`. For further details on this topic, click the [?] icon next to the Custom Capabilities field in any Button/Form Generator supplied by s2Member.

Re: s2Member or s2Member Pro?

PostPosted: December 30th, 2011, 4:00 am
by Cristián Lávaque
I'm glad I could be of help and that you figured out how to do what you needed. Thanks for the update and sharing your solution.

And thanks for the kudos! :)