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Client Portal major problem

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 8:50 pm
by justinmeter

I am getting very confused a little frusturated. I had installed and configured everyhting right a while back to have the client page set up juste like in the video tutorial (s2Member ( Client Portals? [1] ). Since then I installed Budypress, which I no longer use... and now I cant get S2Member to do the trick anymore!!!!

I am thinking it might be a plugin conflict, but I have uninstalled just about all of them!

My problem is my supposedly protected page is not at all, anyone can access... and there is absolutly no redirecting going on...

Any ideas?

Thank you very much!! :P I can give my password if it can help!!

Re: Client Portal major problem

PostPosted: January 4th, 2012, 3:00 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Well, BuddyPress may not be removing itself completely after deactivation... Have you checked the database and files to make sure there was nothing left? It sounds like your hack to have the Client Portal is incompatible in some way with BuddyPress.