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My spec, is S2Member what I need?

PostPosted: January 4th, 2012, 7:51 pm
by rheky

I have a spec that I am working through and I think S2Member is what I need, but thought I better ask some experts just to make sure. The client wants to build a membership site where they would charge an annual fee for each new team/group that signs up. The team/group would then be responsible for charging their membership an annual fee. I am looking at Wordpress/Multisite/BuddyPress for the foundation, all of which is new to me since I am from a .net background.

Here is an example...

Joe is the president of xyzrunners and he creates a "Team" page on the client's site and pays the client an annual membership fee. Joe's membership then pays the team an annual membership as they sign up. So the client collects from Joe, Joe collects from his members.

Is this something that can be accomplished using S2Member? Honestly, I am not sure if this is a Wordpress project, but I have been wanting to work with Wordpress and I am hoping this will be the project to do it.

All comments are welcome!


Re: My spec, is S2Member what I need?

PostPosted: January 5th, 2012, 4:01 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Yeah, it sounds like you're on the right track. I'm not experienced with BuddyPress in multisite, but I know that s2Member will let the network admin sell blogs in the network to his users. And s2Member can be enabled in the network blogs so that each blog will have an s2Member instance.

You can try this out with the free version of s2Member, which already supports multisite. If you require s2Member Pro features, though, you'll need the Network Support license.

I hope that helps. :)