After Trying almost every single e-commerce plugin for wordpress allowing to sell Digital downloads, I still prefer S2Member (because I also want sell subscriptions) and I think this plugin makes the downloads more secure than the other solutions ...

As a business, you need to manage sales ... You need to know how many of this product you sold this month (stats) ... Or simple things such as clic on a Member, and beeing able to see how many times he subscribed, or which Digital downloads he bought ... How many times he tried to download it ... etc ...

As a business, You also need to configure and manage taxes (depending where you are based, and where the client is based) ... (I know that Paypal can handle this) ... but you also need to be able to print a receipt ... To export sales list as Csv file, or to excel , etc ... In Europe, for example, Law makes it mandatory to archive a paper or pdf receipt for every single sale !

Membership plugins ususally do not care about those things ... I wonder why ?

Most of these functions are included in wp-ecommerce but I do not want to use it ... And it doesnt manage subscriptions as well ...
So ...
I'm curious,
How are you guys taking care of all this day to day management with S2MEmber ?
Thank you for your help