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/register/ page for buddypress doesn't work with s2member

PostPosted: January 9th, 2012, 4:18 pm
by krisf
I have buddypress installed and everytime I go to the /register/ page it says "User registration is currently not allowed."

I want to use the buddypress register page and not the default s2member register page. How can I accomplish this?

Thank you

Re: /register/ page for buddypress doesn't work with s2membe

PostPosted: January 9th, 2012, 9:35 pm
by Eduan
Hi, could I ask you to give me the url of the Buddypress registration page? (You can remove your site name if you want.)

You're talking about the page in which users register for free right?

Does the URL have a wp-login.php?action=register at the end?

If so, then s2Member uses the same register method as Buddypress, s2Member uses the WordPress registration method (except with pro-forms available with the pro-forms).

Hope this helps. :)

Re: /register/ page for buddypress doesn't work with s2membe

PostPosted: January 9th, 2012, 10:20 pm
by krisf
its a paid subscription site with no option to register for free.

the buddypress register site url is
but instead of the buddypress register url coming up it defaults to the s2member register page that has wp-login.php?action=register at the end with the s2member logo

Re: /register/ page for buddypress doesn't work with s2membe

PostPosted: January 10th, 2012, 5:39 pm
by Eduan
I think this is caused because Buddypress uses the same method that WordPress and s2Member use to register.

s2Member uses the default WordPress way to have users register for free.

If Buddypress also uses the default WordPress page then it's normal for it to redirect there.

Hope this helps. :)

P.S. Sorry for my inexperience with Buddypress. ;)

Re: /register/ page for buddypress doesn't work with s2membe

PostPosted: January 12th, 2012, 6:17 am
by Cristián Lávaque
krisf wrote:its a paid subscription site with no option to register for free.

the buddypress register site url is
but instead of the buddypress register url coming up it defaults to the s2member register page that has wp-login.php?action=register at the end with the s2member logo

You mean after checking out in PayPal?

What return URL did you give to PayPal? WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> PDT/Auto-Return

Could you also enable logging and, after a purchase with this problem, get the related entries and post them here x'ing out private info? WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Options -> Account Details -> Enable Logging