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Additional Recurring Payment Added To Existing Level 1 +

PostPosted: January 15th, 2012, 2:27 pm
by bradjbarton
After I enroll a level 1 or higher on recurring payments with a PayPal Pro form I want to sell additional items to that account that are also recurring. Specifically, I am selling a SMS text message marketing service that the initial membership includes the first local phone number. I want to sell additional phone numbers to members that will also be recurring charges.

I thought that I could use the specific post/page access forms for this purpose, but they do not allow for recurring payments. The only pro forms that seem to allow for recurring payments are the member level forms and the billing modification forms . . .

So, do I need to create a billing modification form to sell add-on recurring services to an existing member? Lets say that a level 1 is adding another phone number, would I select "Upgrade to level 1" to keep that member at level 1 or do I have to create a separate level for each add-on purchase, etc?

Also, if the level 1 decides to add an additional phone number on day 3 of his/her membership, how is the original membership fee treated when he/she submits the billing modification form? Is it wiped out, or prorated, etc?

Re: Additional Recurring Payment Added To Existing Level 1 +

PostPosted: January 15th, 2012, 2:49 pm
by Eduan
Have you tried integrating the Custom Capabilities (a.k.a. CCaps)? With ccaps you can offer access to specific features/posts/pages, but without the limit of the amount of ccaps you can have.

So you can have a ccap for posting, another for reading posts, another for receiving private messages etc.

For more information, check this video:

Hope this helps. :)

Re: Additional Recurring Payment Added To Existing Level 1 +

PostPosted: January 15th, 2012, 3:06 pm
by bradjbarton
I have looked at custom capabilities, but I do not see how to add a recurring payment to an existing member. In effect, adding an additional phone number to an account should end up with a single recurring payment each month. Otherwise, for example, if a member adds 10 phone numbers, they would have 11 separate monthly recurring payments (including the original membership fee). If there is something I missed in the video, please tell me specifically what it is.

Also, please specifically respond to the questions I raise in the first post.

Re: Additional Recurring Payment Added To Existing Level 1 +

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 2:09 pm
by Raam Dev
Are you wanting to modifying an existing recurring subscription to start charging a different price from what was originally set when the subscription was created? If so, I don't believe PayPal (Pro or otherwise) allows you to do that. (You can't modify the amount of a recurring subscription; you can only cancel and start a new one.)

The only workaround that I can think of would be to cancel the existing subscription as part of the "upgrade" process, dynamically calculate a new subscription price based on existing features + new feature, and then have the customer subscribe to the new subscription.

Re: Additional Recurring Payment Added To Existing Level 1 +

PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 8:07 am
by bradjbarton
Thanks Raam. This is basically what I thought, but wanted to verify.