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PLEASE RESPOND - JWPlayer & s2member-files issue

PostPosted: January 15th, 2012, 9:23 pm
by sandrad

I want to play videos in the s2member-files directory using JW Player (the plugin for wordpress) but I have not been successful in doing so. I have read and performed suggestions from post:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2937 but still "no joy". Can someone help? Here is what I have done thus far:

1. Installed and activated JW Player for wordpress.

2 Viewed the desired video using JW Player with the video in an unprotected directory. Works goods.

3. Copied the video to the "wp-content/plugins/s2member-files" directory.

4. Modified JW Player html as: [jwplayer config="my_player" file=""] but this fails.
I get the following error in the player: Video not found or access denied:

5. Modified JW Player html as: [jwplayer config="my_player" file=[s2File download="StandingPoseVideo.mp4" /] ] but it fails too. I get the following error: Video not found or access denied:

6. I've also used suggestions in the advance download settings that ignores download restrictions via a download key. Still no success.

7. I've added Flashvar's type=video and inline=yes.

8. I've also changed the download options levels to infinite downloads...still no joy.

Am I fighting a permissions issue? Does anybody have additional suggestions?

Re: JWPlayer failing to access files in s2member-files

PostPosted: January 17th, 2012, 4:07 pm
by sandrad
Any idea on what's going on?

Re: JWPlayer failing to access files in s2member-files

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 1:39 pm
by sandrad
Some kind of idea? Surely there has to be an answer?

Re: PLEASE RESPOND - JWPlayer & s2member-files issue

PostPosted: January 19th, 2012, 7:29 am
by sandrad
Someone please respond with any ideas of what could be wrong. I'm more than happy to provide access so that you can go in and see where we went wrong.

Re: PLEASE RESPOND - JWPlayer & s2member-files issue

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2012, 5:33 pm
by Raam Dev
Could you try the .htaccess suggestion here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16510#p59497

Also, have you tried the examples shown in WP Admin -> s2Member -> Restriction Options -> JW Player& RTMP Protocol Examples?