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PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 5:53 pm
by bullitmagnet
Hi, I have nearly finnished my site, have everything set out etc. but I am creating the page for the membership options and wanted to have a different button than the ones paypal have, for various reasons, and thought it would be relatively easy. I am using the shortcode as its easier and better than having php executable on my site, but cannot find how or where an image is being called to be able to change the location of the button.... any help?


Re: Buttons

PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 6:10 pm
by Eduan
You can use the PayPal button generated with s2Member's shortcode and change the image to the one you prefer using the image attribute. For more information refer to WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Buttons -> Shortcode Attributes -> image="".

You can also refer to this thread:

Simply put the URL of the photo you want to use between the quotes in the image="" attribute.

Hope this helps. :)
Also remember to report back,
otherwise you leave me worrying. ;)

Re: Buttons

PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 7:43 pm
by bullitmagnet
Thanks, that worked, i probably should have seen that while looking around, but for some reason it just escaped me :) must need new eyes or something :D

Re: Buttons

PostPosted: January 24th, 2012, 8:06 pm
by Eduan
:lol: Glad I was able to help!