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Email Problems

PostPosted: January 23rd, 2011, 6:38 am
by mshita

New person here....I love the concept of s2Member Plugin (if I can get pass my problems a donation is definitely coming). My site is very close to going live, but I have a critical show-stopping problem.

Very few emails are being sent. Once in a blue moon the person siging up get the intro email with passwords. I found a way around this by allowing users to create a password. Though not ideal.

The other problem I have is that I want to sell certain articles/posts. I put a button up and the check-out goes smoothly. But the customer receives no email about the download link/access link.

Before anyone suggests the problem to be within PHP Mail() function. Hardly doubt so because I ALWAYS get an email when someone signs up. Hasn't failed once. It is the customer that rarely gets an email.

Help help.............

Re: Email Problems

PostPosted: January 31st, 2011, 10:14 am
by tylerwp
I'm having same problem, I receive new registrations fine but members don't receive any emails.