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s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Source Code

Postby mweichert » January 31st, 2011, 7:48 am


First of all, I must say that I'm very impressed with the quality of the s2members plugin and plan to use it for a long time.

As it's an open source plugin, I'm looking for some transparency to the community in terms of todo lists, issue tracking, and most importantly, an established process for becoming a core contributor.

One of the things I noticed s2members was missing is support for coupons for PayPal Buttons. Although I have a PayPal Pro account and own the s2Members Pro plugin, sometimes it's convenient to use PayPal buttons and the Specific Post/Page functionality, as it requires the least amount of interaction from the customer to make a purchase.

I have some ideas about how to add the coupon feature, while taking into account the security issues, and will be developing something for my own use, as well as the company I work for. However, being that this is missing from the core of s2members, I'd like to contribute it and offer to the entire community. However, as a community member, I currently don't know if it's actively being worked on, if there's something that's partial in an SCM branch, etc.

Jason, what I'd like to see is the following:
- An issue tracking system like Redmine or Trac that can provide information to the community about the features that being worked on, as well as planned, and any bugs that are outstanding.
- Access to an SCM with the latest source code
- An established means for gaining write access to the source code

I'm sure part of the reason why we as the community aren't seeing some of these items has to do with time - you're a busy man trying to make everyone happy by enhancing the plugin and increasing the value for your customers". That's exactly what you should be most concerned about. However, as this is an open source project, you don't have to do this all alone - community members are here to help and relieve some of the burdens. I'd personally take on the job of setting up Redmine and maintaining it if I felt that you truly wanted to create a community around the project. There's lots of little things individual members of the community could assist with, such as documentation. Although I find the class of documentation of the plugin superb, additional documentation can never hurt.

Thanks for your time reading this. Let us know your thoughts.

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