PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
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suzette wrote:I don't think we changed anything in the system and it was working fine before but now when someone pays for a membership, after the payment, they are not being directed back to the site to create an account, and they do not get an email with instructions. The email feature has never seemed to work, but they were able to create their own accounts before. After payment, if they click on the button to return to the site, they are directed to a login page, but they were not given the chance to set up a new account, like they were before. We are using version s2Member 2.8.5 on WordPress 2.9.2 with Buddypress 1.2.3. Any help would be much appreciated.
The first is that I have problems, like you, when people sign up -- currently, the return in paypal returns to the blog home page. However, emails get sent, and there's no problem.
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