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CCAP - Does Purchase Append or Change User CCAP?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 2:09 pm
by Liz Ness
I'd like to sell different content (and test for the capability -- so that I can provide links to the member for the content they've purchased). And, I'd like to facilitate this through the Custom Capabilities option of s2Member. However, if my user buys one capability (x) and then another (y), does the additional cap get appended to the user's overall caps. OR, does the new purchase overwrite the old and cause my user to lose the first one.

User buys x capability = lifetime access to videos.
Later, user buys y capability = lifetime access to music.

NOW, does user have access to both x and y (videos and music), or just access to y (music).

Thanks so much for the clarification!

=) Liz Ness

Re: CCAP - Does Purchase Append or Change User CCAP?

PostPosted: February 17th, 2011, 3:19 pm
by Liz Ness
Okay. Just did some testing and thought I'd share with others -- in case, others were wondering about this, too.

Purchasing a new capability overwrites existing ones. In other words, the capability is CHANGED not appended. So, my user would lose access to videos (x) but gain access to music (y).

Re: CCAP - Does Purchase Append or Change User CCAP?

PostPosted: May 10th, 2011, 4:54 pm
by mweichert
FYI, if you name your CCAP "+music" instead of "music", you'll append the CCAP instead of overriding them.

Re: CCAP - Does Purchase Append or Change User CCAP?

PostPosted: May 10th, 2011, 5:07 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
mweichert wrote:FYI, if you name your CCAP "+music" instead of "music", you'll append the CCAP instead of overriding them.

That is correct. Also, if you sell another thing without ccap, entering "+" (just the plus sign) to the ccap attribute will prevent them from being deleted too.