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Cancellation Pro Forms

PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 11:47 pm
by wesleysoccer
Can you use the paypal pro cancellation forms when only using the s2member free version? I have the s2member pro plugin but not using the pro setup for members...thanks in advance...

Re: Cancellation Pro Forms

PostPosted: March 7th, 2011, 11:54 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
PayPal Pro requires s2Member Pro.

Is there a reason why you prefer not to use the pro feature if you have the Pro version of the plugin?

Re: Cancellation Pro Forms

PostPosted: March 8th, 2011, 10:07 am
by wesleysoccer
It's not my site...they realized the cost of $30 a month to paypal and decided after purchasing the s2member pro just to use the s2member....maybe later upgrade to the paypal extra service...Can I use the forms?

Also, is there a way when a paid member, let's say (s2member level 1) to also give them a subscriber roll in the users interface....They are given an s2member level 2 roll and I would love to give them both s2member level 2 and subscriber roll....This is because when using bbpress forums and s2member combined bbpress does not recognize them as a subscriber unless you change their rolls inside of bbpress admin...

Re: Cancellation Pro Forms

PostPosted: March 8th, 2011, 4:34 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
wesleysoccer wrote:It's not my site...they realized the cost of $30 a month to paypal and decided after purchasing the s2member pro just to use the s2member....maybe later upgrade to the paypal extra service...Can I use the forms?

So what you want is to use s2Member Pro's PayPal Pro form for cancellation, but with PayPal's free service. Is that it?