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Registration Members Data

PostPosted: March 9th, 2011, 6:48 pm
by jerpatvas
Once someone signs up through this plug-in, where is there data stored?

What table is it stored in in Wordpress or the phpMyAdmin database?

I am trying to find each member who signed up and the username and password that was given for the Membership area.

Or is there somewhere in the Wordpress control panel that I can find the members?

Can someone please help me?

Re: Registration Members Data

PostPosted: March 9th, 2011, 8:11 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
You can find the members over at WP Admin -> Users, where you can filter the list by their membership too. Their usernames will be in the first column of the table. From there you can go to their profiles for more data.

The members data is stored in the standard WP database tables for users and their additional information: wp_users, wp_usermeta. The username and password are stored in the wp_users.

Their passwords, though, won't be available in their profile pages and. Although stored in the database, they are encrypted.

Why do you want their passwords?