I'm getting ready to launch a member site with recurring membership using S2Member (free) and BuddyPress. I'm concerned about the requirement that everyone will have to have a Paypal account.
I'm not as technical nor experienced as I'd like to be but If I understand your Pro upgrade correctly,
1. I need Zend Optimizer on the host server (It's not there currently)
2. I need a PayPal pro account and I'll need to enable recurring payments
3. The actual signup will take place in a form generated by S2Member and no link to PayPal will occur at signup,
4. I'll need SSL for my site (which will also require a dedicated IP address)
Is that it? Or am I forgetting something?
Does my server actually receive the card number or is it a PayPal shopping cart (frame or form) that's receiving the card number? (This is important. I help companies go through PCI audits. )
I am interested in upgrading to Pro and getting away from the PayPal account requirement, but I've also been screwing around with this for too long and I'm ready to get something launched. I'd be willing to talk with you about getting your help setting this up as well, but I didn't see any place to make that request privately on the site.