done, nothing wrong here; this is the expected behavior )
s2Member Roles and Subscribers have an internal WordPress® User Level of 0,
which excludes them from the list of authors in the post/page editors.
This is handled correctly. Although not ideal in every situation.
s2Member Roles and Subscribers are NOT Post/Page authors,
and this is the correct behavior. Seen in this routine.
- Code: Select all
if ( 'authors' == $qv['who'] && $blog_id ) {
$qv['meta_key'] = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . 'user_level';
$qv['meta_value'] = '_wp_zero_value'; $qv['meta_compare'] = '!=';
$qv['blog_id'] = $blog_id = 0; }
The relevant section being:
- Code: Select all
$qv['meta_value'] = '_wp_zero_value'; $qv['meta_compare'] = '!=';
* excluding Users with an internal User Level of `0`.