Having an issue with the .htaccess file being written to constantly when the s2Member plug is installed. Any log in or change to a file, causes a rewrite of the htaccess rewrite rules. Unfortunately it is clearing out other customization outside the # BEGIN WORDPRESS & #END WORDPRESS.
This seems to be calling the conventional rewrite.php function, as we can add code to get the rewrite to include our customization. However, I'm curious why this is happening. Why is this file being written (or overwritten) with every log in.
Using the following:
•Version: 3.1.2
•Stable tag: 3.1.2
•Framework: WS-P-3.0
•SSL Compatible: yes
•bbPress Compatible: yes
•WordPress Compatible: yes
•BuddyPress Compatible: yes
•WP Multisite Compatible: soon
•Multisite Blog Farm Compatible: no
•Tested up to: 3.0
•Requires at least: 3.0
•Requires: WordPress® 3.0+, PHP 5.2+
ALSO - is there anyway to prevent the loss of configuration when deactivating plugin. It makes it very difficult to troubleshoot if I have to completely setup the plugin setting every time I unplug & plug.