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Specific post (buy now) data adds to mailchimp list?

PostPosted: July 8th, 2010, 7:31 pm
by notme
Hi and thank you for this plugin,
I've inactivated the wishlist plugin, and used s2member free plugin instead,

Recently I have problems with the paypal IPN and mailchimp, s2member
I am not a techie person, maybe there are easy solutions..

The problem is, for the one time offer (buy now button),
I want to use paypal button, when people buy the product, they will be added to one of my mailchimp list,
so it's easier to do follow-up emails

I was using mailchimp offered IPN notification URL,
but now to use s2member plugin, I've changed the notification URL to

I know there are mailchimp integrations, but that only handles free and 4 level memberships,
I want to sell one time offers (with automatic emails follow-ups),
can I add those buyers to mailchimp list automatically?
Is it inside s2Member API / Notifications
or s2Member API / List Servers?

Thanks very much

Re: Specific post (buy now) data adds to mailchimp list?

PostPosted: July 16th, 2010, 12:57 am
by Jason Caldwell
Thanks for the great question.
~ Sorry for my delayed response.
This thread was lost in the shuffle somehow. I apologize for that.

You are correct in your assumption. If you need even more detailed control over MailChimp integration, you'll want to integrate a custom script that works in conjunction with s2Member's API Notifications. These are all documented under, s2Member -> API Notifications in your WP Dashboard.

You will probably need someone to do some light coding for you. You'll need just a few lines of code that can receive the API Notification from s2Member in response to certain events, and then process the request to MailChimp. I recommend, and/or a project request here [ viewforum.php?f=33 ]