Hi Sam. Thanks for reporting this.
I'm aware of this bug/"limitation". I say limitation, because this problem stems from the fact that most hosting companies impose conservative limits on script execution time. In order for s2Member to stay alive for a 100MB+ download, it has to be given the ability to do so. ( max_execution_time = 0 ) [ see:
http://www.php.net/manual/en/info.confi ... ution-time ].
Actually, this is not set at exactly 100MB, it could be 30MB, or it could be 200MB. It just depends on your host, and the speed of the download to the end user. Customers on a dial-up connection will have a bigger issue with
large file downloads than a customer on broadband; because it takes them longer on dial-up.
s2Member tries to grant this permission ( max_execution_time = 0 ) all by itself (during a download) but with some hosting companies, this is impossible to do. For instance, GoDaddy, MediaTemple, HostGator, BlueHost all have upper limits that even s2Member cannot work around.
@TODO :: The long-term solution ( I think ) is to find a way for s2Member to grant permission through cookie authentication ( specifically for file downloads ), working in conjunction with an .htaccess file. This way the downloads could be handled without feeding them through a PHP script; thereby circumventing this limitation.If anyone has suggestions, please feel free to share them.