PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
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[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" ccaps="" desc="Bronze Member / description and pricing details here." ps="paypal" cc="USD" ns="1" custom="" ta="19.95" tp="6" tt="M" ra="9.95" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" image="default" output="button" /]
Cristián Lávaque wrote:Hi!
Sure, you can do it. You'd create the shortcode for the button (or pro-form if you use s2Member Pro) with the initial payment for the 6 months and then the monthly recurring payment. An example using PayPal buttons would be:
[s2Member-PayPal-Button level="1" ccaps="" desc="Bronze Member / description and pricing details here." ps="paypal" cc="USD" ns="1" custom="" ta="19.95" tp="6" tt="M" ra="9.95" rp="1" rt="M" rr="1" image="default" output="button" /]
These are very easy to generate with the button/form generators. Here you can find the documentation for the attributes in that button WP Admin -> s2Member -> PayPal Buttons -> Shortcode Attributes (Explained).
Let me know if that helps.
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