when a new user pays by Paypal he is successfully redirected to the registration form, but the e-mail notification is not sent, and the user doesn't receive his password...
The-mail php function works correctly, and I really don't see what happens.

PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
This is now a very OLD forum system. It's in READ-ONLY mode.
All community interaction now occurs at WP Sharks™. See: new forums @ WP Sharks™
array (
0 => 'IPN received on: Sat Apr 23, 2011 8:31:34 pm UTC',
1 => 's2Member POST vars verified through a POST back to PayPal®.',
2 => 's2Member originating domain ( _SERVER[HTTP_HOST] ) validated.',
3 => 's2Member txn_type identified as (web_accept|subscr_signup).',
4 => 's2Member txn_type identified as (web_accept|subscr_signup) w/o update vars.',
5 => 'Signup Confirmation Email sent to: "Patricia XXXXXX" <patricia.XXXXXX@ac-nantes.fr>; "webmaster" <miXXXXXX@gmail.com>.',
6 => 'Storing IPN signup vars into a Transient Queue. These will be processed on registration.',
5 => 'Signup Confirmation Email sent to: "Patricia XXXXXX" <patricia.XXXXXX@ac-nantes.fr>; "webmaster" <miXXXXXX@gmail.com>.',
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