Theone, i tried your coding, and somehow, i get a tiny SUBMIT button with no text on it. Is there something missing in the code?
I feel i am getting a bit closer to what i want.
- I am able to redirect to the same page i would have using the setting in s2Member
- i am able to incorporate the fun buttons i made (Cristian, they are based on the link i gave in another thread about Paypal buttons)
- i am able to add some other features (like the extra ebook mention with registration)
- so i am getting a good FEEL of that look!
but ... i am not getting it to work correctly yet:
- although i know i have the right username and password (because i can do it in the OTHER sidebar login), it does not seem to do anything
Want to have a look at it? If this worked, it would be a great combo with s2Member since i dont want members to navigate too far from the page they are on!
The test site is here: top "login box" is from the MailChimp code and just some additional buttons, but it does send the member to a separate page (which i am trying to avoid)
The sidebar login plugin is the second on the right side: it does stay on the page, and is very basic, but i am having a problem with the look of it, possibly needing some coding that i dont know of (or there is a conflict with the Headway theme)
The bottom login side bar on the right is from your code, which i edited a bit (it LOOKS great so far, just not working correctly)