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2Checkout payment gateway

PostPosted: May 4th, 2011, 8:55 pm
by vision20
Today would be a really, really good day for you to announce the availability of the 2CO module!!

I've wasted a week and some dollars on another membership plug-in that I can't get to work properly. s2member was operational in only minutes and did what I expected. Awesome!

Unfortunately all your nice payment gateways like Paypal Pro,, and Google Checkout aren't available in Australia. 2Checkout is the closest to these and works very well, with fraud detection and a worldwide debit Mastercard to access funds.

Thanks in advance!
Cheers, Frank

Re: 2Checkout payment gateway

PostPosted: May 5th, 2011, 11:20 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Hi Frank.

Thanks for the kudos! I'm very glad you found s2Member does what you want and that you're happy with it. :)

About 2CO, maybe this will help you in the meantime viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3154

Re: 2Checkout payment gateway

PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 9:45 pm
by ricarod
Hi :!:

Not sure if this threat means that s2 can be (or has been) integrated with 2CheckOut?

I can't find any other documentation about it.

Feedback will be really appreciated.

Re: 2Checkout payment gateway

PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 10:03 pm
by vision20
Hi Ricarod,

As far as I can tell, they haven't added any payment processors.

Paypal is of no use to me at all. Apart from that, this is a great script, and they have been active with other upgrades. But I still can't use it for the purpose for which I bought it.

I'm waiting with bated breath for the 2CheckOut module.


Re: 2Checkout payment gateway

PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 10:11 pm
by ricarod
So Frank you are another one of those fast responders, hu? ;) good to know :p

Thanks for your email. Are you just waiting fot s2m team to eventually get it done? or have you done any other effort in that direction?

This sounds like cool and I may (not sure yet) dig a bit more into this. Have you revised this? ?

Anyway sorry to read your purchased it hopping it'll integrate with payment GW you needed and didn't work. Didn't you read documentation about it?

I know of other (paid) membership solutions (not as good as s2) that integrate with 2CO but I really, really like s2 a lot.

Re: 2Checkout payment gateway

PostPosted: November 15th, 2011, 10:45 pm
by vision20
lol I only respond quickly when really motivated!

And a 2CO gateway for S2 is one of my pet projects.

S2 mentioned back in April or May this year that they were working on a 2CO gateway and it would be ready soon. It's probably not too hard to integrate 2CO into S2 using the documentation provided, but if they were going to do it anyway, why spend the time. Of course, they haven't done it!

Wishlist Member did their 2CO integration in about September this year, citing a lot of interest for it.

A number of well-known internet marketers have had their accounts and money frozen by Paypal recently without warning and without real reasons. It's good business sense to provide as many avenues to allow customers to pay as possible. To use only Paypal is dangerous.

In Australia, we don't get Paypal Pro, so some of the nice features of S2 aren't available to me anyway. Furthermore, 2CO issue a Mastercard debit card which makes it really simple and cheap to extract funds from an account.

They have a payment processor for China, but none for Australia!

Let's hope they add 2CO and maybe AlertPay to future development.



PostPosted: November 17th, 2011, 1:01 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Yeah, I'm really sorry there's no 2CO integration yet. And it may not happen for a few months with the things we're working on right now, very cool stuff coming, but not this integration yet, I'm afraid. :|

I looked at the homepage of their API, and am thinking that you could have a freelance developer integrate with s2Member's Notifications API, maybe also the Pro API for Remote Operations.
WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Notifications
WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Pro API for Remote Operations