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Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 6th, 2011, 7:54 pm
by umasumeros
Thank you for your work on this plugin. I have upgraded to the latest version, but this issue is unresolved.

When an unregistered visitor requests a post/page reserved for members the system generates a "Not Found" message. I want the message to encourage the visitor to register. Which file or files are responsible for this so I can change the message?

Re: Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 6th, 2011, 8:49 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
That's odd. Hmm...

If the page isn't protected, does that happen too?

Have you set a Membership Options Page? WP Admin -> s2Member -> General Options -> Membership Options Page

Re: Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 6th, 2011, 9:21 pm
by umasumeros
This is a Multisite installation. Yes I have set up a membership options page, and if there is no post restriction set, the page is viewable. The problem is that when the restriction IS set, the message "Not Found" appears to unregistered visitors.

All I want to do is replace the "Not Found" message (which translates into 404 error for most people) to "Please register to gain access to our content."

Here is a link to the site in question:

I am also concerned about how the search engines are handling these pages.

The other thing I would like to do is have the registration page for this site only, not the main portal. How can I do this? Will it cause a problem if I deactivate the plugin on the main site? This is important because another subdomain works with MarketPress, a plugin that has membership capabilities for ecommerce sales. Are there any known conflicts with this plugin?

Thank you for your help

Re: Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 7th, 2011, 12:18 am
by Cristián Lávaque
Thanks for the information. I tried the link, but it sends me to the login page.

Could you provide me with a link to a page that exists but gives the "not found" message?

Re: Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 7th, 2011, 3:12 am
by umasumeros
Well that is strange, the link should show you the "About Us" page. Here is a direct link to one of the pages: ... cessories/

Re: Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 7th, 2011, 12:50 pm
by Cristián Lávaque
Ah, yes, I see it now.

I'm not very familiar with multisite yet, I don't know if this problem has to do with it. I'll email Jason and wait for his comments.

Re: Message for unregistered visitors

PostPosted: May 10th, 2011, 4:18 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Thanks for reporting this important issue.
~ and thanks for bringing this to my attention Cristián.

s2Member handles redirections to the Membership Options Page in the same fashion, even on a Multisite Network installation. All requests that are denied access, get redirected to the Membership Options Page that has been configured by the site owner, for that particular Blog on the Network.

If your theme is producing Not Found messages, here are some things I would check on.

1. Does your Membership Options Page exist?
2. Do you have any other plugins that are forcing redirections that may conflict with s2Member?
3. Have you enabled s2Member's Alternative View Restrictions? ( did you set them to All? )

When s2Member's Alternative View Restrictions are set to "All", all protected content is excluded from public view; including any listings that would normally be displayed in category archive views. In some themes, this can result in your theme producing a Not Found message, because there are no results to display in that category archive (i.e. ... cessories/ )

In other words, instead of saying " there are no items in this category ", some themes will simply say " Not Found ". You can either modify your theme to display the message you prefer, or turn s2Member's Alternative View Restrictions off.

Or, you could work on making navigation menus within your site more dynamic, so that category archives which are unavailable to the public, are not displayed, or are redirected to the Membership Options Page.

Another thing that might help. In cases where you are protecting all content within a Category Archive, if you protect the entire Category with s2Member, then s2Member will simply redirect all requests to that Archive, to your Membership Options Page; and that way the "Not Found" message being introduced by your theme, would never be displayed. So for example, you might try protecting this entire Category, instead of each Post within it. ... cessories/

Please let us know if this problem continues; we'll do everything we can to assist you.

Regarding search engines. s2Member redirects search engines with a 301 permanent redirect status to avoid duplicate content issues. This is the recommended method of handling redirections on protected content. However, if you need to change this for any reason, you can create this directory and file.

Code: Select all
("ws_plugin__s2member_content_redirect_status", "my_custom_redirect_status");
function my_custom_redirect_status($status = 301)
 return $status; /* Or whatever you prefer. */ }