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Monthly and Annual fees

PostPosted: August 30th, 2010, 9:37 am
by Geoff
I'm using s2Member Pro, and I'm restricting access based on category id. I'm charging a recurring monthly fee, but I'd also like to offer a discounted annual fee for subscribers. So for example, subscribers could sign up for $10/month or $100/year. The way I've set this up is, I've created Level#1 as a monthly subscriber and Level#2 as an annual subscriber. Then in General Options > Category Access Restrictions, I've set both Level#1 and Level#2 to the same category id. Next, I just use the form generators under PayPal Pro Forms to generate my forms for both levels. Have I done this correctly?

Re: Monthly and Annual fees

PostPosted: August 30th, 2010, 2:08 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Hi there. Thanks for the great question.

What you have sounds like it will work, except for the part about protecting the same Category ID under two different Levels. If you protect a Category at Level #2, Level #1 Members will NOT have access to it. Filling it in twice, is the same as filling it in once at the higher Level; because Membership Level Access works incrementally. In other words, entering Category ID: 123 into the Level #2 field, is telling s2Member that Category ID: 123 requires Level #2 access; even if you've already entered it into the Level #1 field.

Here is another alternative.
1. Use just one Level. ( Level #1 ).
2. Create two PayPal Buttons for Level #1 access,
but at different prices, and with different payment terms.
That will work just fine :-)

Re: Monthly and Annual fees

PostPosted: August 30th, 2010, 7:17 pm
by Geoff
Hi Jason,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I never even thought about Level#1 users not having access to content that's been designated as Level#2 or higher. What you've described makes perfect sense, because again, it's a GENERATOR, not the form/button itself.

Now, because I'm using s2Member Pro and PayPal Pro forms, I should be able to do exactly the same as your describing, except not with buttons, but with forms, correct?

Thanks again!


Re: Monthly and Annual fees

PostPosted: August 31st, 2010, 7:06 pm
by Jason Caldwell
Hi Geoff.
Absolutely, You are correct.
s2Member Pro works the same way.