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How do members login?

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

How do members login?

Postby psdesign » May 9th, 2011, 10:52 am

Hi all,

How does a member log into my site? Do I need to install a login box module? I'm only asking because I see in the options an option to customize the register page, but how about getting the user to log in when they come to the site? Its probably very simple and right in front of my face, but I appreciate any help.


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Re: How do members login?

Postby Cristián Lávaque » May 9th, 2011, 11:24 am

They'll login in the usual login page at

Now, you need a link in your navigation to that page so they find it. Some themes include the login link, many don't and leave that to the widgets.

By default the Meta widget has that link, many site owners remove that and use a different one. s2Member Pro has its Pro Login form that can be used as a widget or included anywhere using PHP.

I hope that helps. :)
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Re: How do members login?

Postby psdesign » May 9th, 2011, 12:10 pm

Ok I understand. Thanks man that answers my question!

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Re: How do members login?

Postby Cristián Lávaque » May 9th, 2011, 12:11 pm

Cool. :)
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Re: How do members login?

Postby dmortimer » May 10th, 2011, 2:13 am

I have several questions about how customers log into our membership sites.

1. How does the cache for each browser enter in when it comes to logging in? For example, once a person logs in, can't that person continue to access the site from that same computer until the cache is cleared without having to log in?

2. If we want people to be able to look at our site before they decide to purchase a membership, how can they do that without being directed to the login page first? I want them to see what they're going to get before they have to register for my site.

3. And once people join, is that when they are directed to the login page? At this point, it seems that you're saying that somewhere in the explanation of my site I need to tell people that once they purchase their membership, they will be redirected to the wp-admin link; however, right now, people can see my site without having to login. Is the login form automatically showing up after they purchase the membership?

4. And is there a way I can test that to see if it works properly (setting up fake membership)?

5. And then I am assuming that the way S2Member knows whether to redirect someone is by their ip address?

Thanks in advance. :mrgreen:
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Re: How do members login?

Postby Cristián Lávaque » May 10th, 2011, 12:40 pm

dmortimer wrote:1. How does the cache for each browser enter in when it comes to logging in? For example, once a person logs in, can't that person continue to access the site from that same computer until the cache is cleared without having to log in?

I'm pretty sure s2Member checks access on each page load, not session. Not sure how cache affects that, though, I'll leave this one for Jason when he's around.

2. If we want people to be able to look at our site before they decide to purchase a membership, how can they do that without being directed to the login page first? I want them to see what they're going to get before they have to register for my site.

You can do this with a trial membership that'll expire after so many days, or you could leave part of the content unprotected as a teaser and the rest protected with conditionals. WP Admin -> s2Member -> API / Scripting -> Using Simple Conditionals

3. And once people join, is that when they are directed to the login page? At this point, it seems that you're saying that somewhere in the explanation of my site I need to tell people that once they purchase their membership, they will be redirected to the wp-admin link; however, right now, people can see my site without having to login. Is the login form automatically showing up after they purchase the membership?

When they join, if they weren't logged in, they'll be taken to the registration page. You will need a login link in your navigation for existing members that return later, though.

4. And is there a way I can test that to see if it works properly (setting up fake membership)?

You can create test accounts and give them the access level/capabilities you want in their profiles.
WP Admin -> Users -> Add New
WP Admin -> Users -> [username] -> s2Member Configuration & Profile Fields

5. And then I am assuming that the way S2Member knows whether to redirect someone is by their ip address?

In the case of Specific Post/Page access restriction yes, partly, because it doesn't require the person to have an account. For other access restrictions it checks the person's account.
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