Hello, I created 6 months length membership and I see people registering october 2010 still showing in the members. I chose to delete expired accounts but I cannot find the option anymore.
Thank you Christian (I thought I had dreamed). I've got "Delete/erase their account" and the members are still visible - after their time is finished. Is it normal ? For the moment, I did not test if they can connect to the protected area, waiting for your answer.
All 3 created october/november/december 2010 for six monthes. There are non recurrent subscriptions so I've got in Paypal three messages: one "created" one "expired" and one "ended" (well, it's french version, don't know the official terms in english).
Ah, that explains it. You see, when it's a subscription, the EOT is not set until it's ended over at PayPal, then PayPal informs s2Member and s2Member sets the EOT.
But Paypal did stop the subscription as it's a one time subscription. Do I have to put the date manually in the EOT field ? (it's not a problem for me).