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Updating WordPress Core and s2m Compatibility

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Updating WordPress Core and s2m Compatibility

Postby toddz88 » June 3rd, 2011, 4:36 pm

When there's a new release of WordPress (I am now seeing v3.1.3 is available), I want to verify that my current versions of s2Member and s2Member PRO are compatible with the new version of WordPress before updating my WordPress installation. How can I find this out?

On WP-Admin > s2Member > s2Member Info, I see:
- Tested up to: 3.1.1
- Requires at least: 3.0
and i see the same for s2mPRO (WP-Admin > s2Member > Pro Module Info).

How do I know if/when it's "Tested up to" WordPress v3.1.3, the current version of WordPress?


When there's a new release of WordPress (I am now seeing v3.1.3 is available), they suggest we De-Activate ALL PLUGINS before doing the update.
"Now, you don't have to do this, but every now and again a plugin hasn't been updated to work with the latest version of WordPress, and causes a problem after the upgrade" ... ur_Plugins
"Because of the changes to WordPress, some Plugins may conflict with the upgrade process"

I know s2m provides the De-Activation Safeguards to save all config/settings. But why make this a setting? Why wouldn't I want to save my settings, just on a *temporary* De-Activation of the plugin? If I wanted to De-Activate PERMANENTLY, I would just DELETE the plugin entirely. Seems like a whole layer of confusion and potential problems. Unless I'm just not understanding something..
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Re: Updating WordPress Core and s2m Compatibility

Postby Cristián Lávaque » June 4th, 2011, 12:25 am

About the deactivation safeguards, it's been debated in the past. Some will want to see everything gone after deactivation because they really want it no more, and that should include anything in the database that belongs to it. That can't be done just deleting the plugin, the plugin should clean after itself properly. So, it's off by default and now it's been moved to the top of the General Options (in the coming release) so it's more obvious.

About the compatibility, you could always go to the s2Member page over at and see if others voted the WP+s2Member versions work together. Sadly most don't bother to vote, but some do. Also, you can always have a backup of everything, install the new version and if anything goes bad, move back to the backup. Another option is to wait for a while before updating anything, look at feedback and when you feel more confident, take the plunge.
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