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Custom Fields Integration with Buddypress

s2Member Plugin. A Membership plugin for WordPress®.

Custom Fields Integration with Buddypress

Postby luisrosario » September 20th, 2010, 3:57 pm

When using Buddypress and s2Member Pro, I would assume that the custom fields during registration would be integrated into the Profile panel within Buddypress once the user has completed the sign up process. Why bypass the default Buddypress custom fields if it's not going to be implemented in same way? Am I missing something? Can someone explain how I can implement this functionality? Thanks-Luis
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Re: Custom Fields Integration with Buddypress

Postby somethingelse » September 21st, 2010, 10:43 pm

i'm also having some challenges sorting out what s2 controls & what buddypress controls and who sees what where... the pitch on s2 says integrating with buddypress makes it even better, but i can't find any signficant documentation to suggest how BEST to do that, due to the overlapping nature of the two plugins...

anyone out there know of some tutorials or best-practice articles/posts that might help?
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Re: Custom Fields Integration with Buddypress

Postby Jason Caldwell » June 5th, 2011, 9:12 pm

This was addressed in the official release of s2Member v110605+, available now.
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