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Using . in username stops level from displaying correctly

PostPosted: October 11th, 2010, 11:50 am
by nathardwick
I've set up my site display the user's member level on their profile page - but if that member has used a . (period) in their username - or an email address - the user level displayed defaults to the free one... they have the right access privileges when logged in but the level displays wrongly on their profile page... anyone know a fix to this...? Is it something obvious...? Strange one, I know...


Re: Using . in username stops level from displaying correctl

PostPosted: October 15th, 2010, 3:14 am
by nathardwick
Found the solution - it's to do with BP's own settings - if you add:


to your wp-config file then it gets fixed - it allows BP users to use LDAP usernames (inc email addresses and names with . in them)

Just thought I'd post in case anyone else has had a problem with this.