PriMoThemes — now s2Member® (official notice)
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We've made several unsuccessful attempts to send order notifications to your notification callback URL, ... e_notify=1 As a result, you aren't receiving order status, risk, or other notifications.
To help you identify the issue with your callback URL, please review the errors we encountered while sending notifications to you. To review this error information:
Sign in to Google Checkout.
Click on the Tools tab.
Click Integration Console.
Error messages will appear under 'Integration Issues.' If necessary, you can also update your callback URL in the 'API callback URL' box on the same page.
For more information about receiving notifications via the notification API, visit ... tification.
j1980mac wrote:No no noI'm actually done with HTTPS. I'm not using it because I'm going offsite to pay, so it really doesn't have to be secure.
So with that being said, what do you suspect that it is?
j1980mac wrote:How do I enable SSL on this site, and accept credit cards? Can you please walk me through it??
Do I need an SSL certificate to use PayPal® Pro or Authorize.Net®?
If you're using s2Member's Pro Forms, then yes. In order to comply with PayPal®, Authorize.Net® and PCI Compliance policies, as set forth by major credit card companies; you will need to host all of your Pro Forms on an SSL enabled site. Please check with your hosting provider to ask about obtaining an SSL certificate for your domain. Please note... when you create Pro Forms using the Form Generators provided by s2Member; you'll be supplied with WordPress® Shortcodes, which you'll insert into Posts/Pages of your choosing. These special Posts/Pages will need to be displayed in SSL mode, using links that start with ( https:// ). In other words, when you link to these Posts/Pages, you'll need to make sure your links start with https://.
You can skip the SSL certificate during Development/Sandbox testing. SSL is not required until you officially go live. Once you're live, you can add the Custom Field s2member_force_ssl -> yes to any Post/Page. s2Member will buffer output on those special Posts/Pages, converting everything over to https:// for you automatically, and forcing those specific Posts/Pages to be viewed over a secure SSL connection; so long as your server supports the https protocol. This will help you eliminate the dreaded Secure/Insecure errors in Internet Explorer®. If your server runs SSL over a special port number, or your server requires the port number to actually be in the URL ( i.e. HOST:port ), you can set s2member_force_ssl -> 443; or to whatever port you need.
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