Hi Paulie. So you added this to your /wp-config.php file, and it's still not working.
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define ("WS_PLUGIN__QCACHE_MIN_PHP_VERSION", "5.2.13-1.el5.art");
That's interesting.
I tested this locally against two strings and version_compare() handles this OK.
You might try changing it to this, and see if that does the trick for you:
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If all else fails, open /plugins/quick-cache/quick-cache.php
At line # 53, change this:
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if (version_compare (PHP_VERSION, WS_PLUGIN__QCACHE_MIN_PHP_VERSION, ">=") && version_compare (get_bloginfo ("version"), WS_PLUGIN__QCACHE_MIN_WP_VERSION, ">=") && basename (dirname (__FILE__)) !== basename (WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR) && !isset ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["qcache"]))
to just this:
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if (version_compare (get_bloginfo ("version"), WS_PLUGIN__QCACHE_MIN_WP_VERSION, ">=") && basename (dirname (__FILE__)) !== basename (WPMU_PLUGIN_DIR) && !isset ($GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["qcache"]))
In other words, you need to remove this portion of the code:
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