Gotchya. We'll, my guess is that you have a LOT of plugins running?
67108864 = 64 Megabytes. So ( although I can't be sure ), it sounds like you have enough plugins running together at the same time, that s2Member is pushing you over the edge of the 64MB limit imposed by your php.ini file. You can try adding this to your /wp-config.php file and see if it fixes the problem.
- Code: Select all
define(’WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’128M’);
That will double your current limit. If you're on shared hosting, this may not work though. Shared hosting usually has hard-coded limits that cannot be changed without upgrading your hosting plan.
s2Member is not a memory hog though, it just sounds like you're hitting an overall memory limit because of plugins. Think of it like this. If you walk around the grocery store and place lots of items in the basket, eventually, the basket gets very heavy. You need the basket, and everything in it, but there needs to be a stronger person there to push it now. That's what happens with lots of plugins.
For every plugin that you install, you add more code to WordPress. If you add enough code, eventually, you will hit a memory limit, because WordPress has to include so much data into every processing routine that it performs. Ultimately, you have to put your WordPress installation on a diet ( drop a few plugins ), or get a bigger server with more power/RAM to handle what you need it to run.